
a moleskin and pogo combo

Tap Dance!

Although by the time you’ve made it up the what feels like 10 flights of stairs you really don’t feel like doing anything other than rest. It was a close call tonight. As I was very nearly the only one that turned up it was on the verge of being cancelled! Thankfully the other lady arrived just on time, but I feel a rrecruitment drive is on order. Anyone interested?

Mmm jam on toast. I have no idea why I always thought I didn’t like jam. It’s ace!

Filed under: Day to Day,


So it’s getting ever so close to the ball on Saturday, as yet I still have no dress. Last night I went to Next Clearance, alas they have no changing rooms so no luck there (I didn’t want to part with cash without at least trying it on first!) I did go to Outfit at lunch today and tried on 5, none of which ticked all the boxes in my eyes. Seriously, how hard can it be to find a long, ball worthy, black dress?

These two are possibilities [photos to follow].

Ok, so neither are long or black but there really wasn’t any in the whole shop. Suitable for a ball? The main difference as far as I’m concerned was the price. Either £60 or £45.

The day was finished off rather nicely with the first tap lesson of the term. Me thinks I need to work on my timestep however. Will the neighbours approve I wonder?

Oh and I got myself a pro flickr account, go me! And I enetered the Holgapalooza contest.

Filed under: Day to Day, photography, , , ,